Just a Perverted Stream of Consciousness…And a One Year Anniversary.
I watch the words, “I’m going to do a line off of your dick,” swim out of my mouth. So what does Zenobi do? He sculpts a line onto his shaft for me and I inhale it in seconds.
I watch the words, “I’m going to do a line off of your dick,” swim out of my mouth. So what does Zenobi do? He sculpts a line onto his shaft for me and I inhale it in seconds.
The problem is that the Jews are making the Non feel guilty for it. But I don’t think this gives Jews revenge; if anything, it just makes us look like assholes to the rest of the world. Can’t we all just get along?
Thrust EXTREMELY gently into her because any asshole will make the tightest vagina in the world feel like a loosey goosey.
Is it not a known fact that you’re supposed to fuck a sex addict’s brains out?
use your hand to jerk his dick off like you did in 7th grade under the Dais table at the Bar-Mitzvahs
Just the other night, I was fucking this guy, who I now call Sex God, who I fuck every few months. He’s always been quite superb in the sack and thrusts very aggressively exactly how I like it. But this night...
Hi Isabella, First of all I think what you do is incredible. I really appreciate your message that girls should be able to be just as open about sex as boys. Every boy loves his penis, but most girls don’t have that special relationship with their vaginas. Reform must
Just because I choose to be polygamous, does not mean I don’t want chemistry with each person in my rotation.
They end up Eiffel Towering me. For some reason, I just cannot recall whether #2’s dick was in the front or back. #1 was in my mouth— that I am sure of.
Can somebody explain to me the appeal of getting the anus rim licked? Regardless, he ended up coming on my face.
He asked me how I felt about trying oral sex, giving him head. I told him I felt good about trying it. He talked me through it...
Most holes cannot take 4 fingers, and those who can seriously need to get their vaginas tightened.
Recession 09 is not referring to the lack of money in our wallets, but rather the lack of dicks up our vaginas
Why do things have to be so high-maintenance and tedious with these Jewish boys this year. I just cannot deal with it. Sigh.
I am a really creepy pervert. I have issues demonstrating self control, and I think the fact that I carry myself respectably in public is something worth noting.
When I was 15, I would buy and read issues of Cosmopolitan because it was “the thing to do.” And for many women, proven by the magazine’s success, it still is “the thing to do.” Cosmo has managed to make itself the mainstream bible of sex for women. But
Her boyfriend was an African American...Braces nor whitening could help this fellow’s mouth. It was a sure cry for veneers, but they were from Harlem.
Am I dumber because of the dope that hasn’t stopped swimming through from my bloodstream for 6 years or am I wiser from the experiences I have gained with the dope flowing through my veins?
Racial Stereotypes
It makes me cringe every time a shvartze walks by. I’m not a racist. I’m not a racist. I’m not a racist. I hate shvartze. I hate shvartze. I hate shvartze.